Experience Unmatched Concierge Service

Our concierge service is about more than being available — it’s about being proactive and going above and beyond to deliver excellence. We care as much about the success of your business as you do.

Dedicated Account Manager

Each customer receives a dedicated account manager who knows your business inside and out. From the moment you come on board, your account manager is there to guide you, answer your questions, and tailor our services to meet your needs.

Highly Responsive Support

Whenever you need assistance, our support team is always on standby, ready to help you resolve any issues or answer any questions. We take pride in our responsiveness because we understand the value of your time and the importance of your peace of mind.

Real-time Updates

We keep you in the loop with regular updates and are always just a phone call or email away. Whether it’s a quick question or a deep dive into your project’s progress, our team is here to provide clarity and keep things moving smoothly.


Meet Our Account Managers

Each of them brings a wealth of experience, industry knowledge, and a passion for helping you succeed. Get to know the people who will be by your side every step of the way:


Brieanna Bellin

Central and North FL

A true client advocate, Brieanna excels in building strong, lasting relationships.


Crista Stefanick

Greater Tampa Bay

As an exceptional problem solver, Crista is committed to exceeding your expectations.


Luis Burgos

SW Florida

With Luis's commitment to client success, you can always count on him for guidance.


Monica Alfonzo

SE Florida & Miami

As a natural communicator and a strategic thinker, Monica always puts your needs first.


Ty Shetter


Detail-oriented and results-driven, Ty brings a meticulous approach to every project.

Experience the Personalized Service You Deserve

Our customers rave about the personalized care they receive from their dedicated account manager and the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have a support team they can always count on.

Whether you have questions or requests about your orders, invoices, products, or anything else related to PropLogix, we're here to help. Feel free to reach out and you'll get a prompt response from a dedicated team member!


Desk and Chair